Episode 05 – Battle for Bright Moon

In which Skeletor comes up with one last hurrah.

The Eternian royal family are having dinner, telling Adora all about Orko, who I pray to God isn’t in this episode. The one good thing about having Madame Razz around is that presumably we need never see Orko again. Anyway, during the dinner, Skeletor, Beast-Man, Webstor and Kobra Khan bust into the Palace, disguising themselves as chefs. They bring Hordak with them, disguised as a cake. There seems to be no particular reason for these disguises, since they return to their normal appearances as soon as possible. Perhaps Hordak has a weird chef fetish. Nothing would surprise me about him at this point.

Bright Moon 1
Skeletor: “This may be my stupidest disguise yet.”

Anyway, the baddies kidnap Adora and escape, thanks to a singularly poor effort from Man-at-Arms and Teela. Skeletor then betrays Hordak, and sends him back to Etheria without Adora. Skeletor claims that this is because he has better use for the Princess of Eternia than Hordak, but shortly thereafter he reveals that he has absolutely no idea what to do with her, so clearly he’s just backstabbed Hordak for the sheer malevolent hell of it.

Skeletor orders Beast-Man to put Adora in the dungeon, a task which naturally he is incapable of carrying out. Adora quickly evades him and turns into She-Ra, then has an amusing battle with pretty much every single one of Skeletor’s warriors. He-Man, Man-at-Arms and Teela arrive just after She-Ra has finished fighting, and find her draped casually over a pillar. Teela demands to know who the hell this bimbo is, and He-Man introduces her as his “friend, She-Ra.” You can see cold fury in Teela’s eyes as she thinks she’s been jilted.

Bright Moon 2
Teela: “Don’t you know it’s not cool to bring your new girlfriend to meet the ex, He-Man?”

This irrelevant little interlude over, Adora returns to the Palace, where she explains to Randor and Marlena that she feels honour-bound to go back to Etheria and help to free it from the Horde’s oppression. With the help of the Sorceress, she and Spirit are transported back into the Whispering Woods. Adam and Cringer come too, because they know that really, all the viewers want to see is He-Man. Seeing a vast quantity of Horde flyers, they both adopt their alter-egos, in a really awkwardly cut-together sequence of their stock transformation animation.

He-Man and She-Ra find Glimmer, Bow, Queen Angela and Kowl planning to attack Castle Bright Moon, and drive the Horde out. She-Ra demonstrates that she has the power to talk to animals, and so she recruits a bear and some oversized rats to help them. He-Man seems quietly unconvinced about how useful these animals will be, but he stands back and lets Glimmer make an inspirational speech, after which all the rebels throw food in the air, as if they’re politely heckling.

Bright Moon 3
She-Ra: “Ah, he’s cute, guys! Can I keep him?”

The rebels approach Castle Bright Moon and demand its surrender, but naturally Hordak isn’t interested, and unleashes a vast array of robots and machines. These are destroyed by all the members of the Rebellion, in scenes designed to show us what they can do. The only notable talent demonstrated is from She-Ra, who finds that she is capable of healing wounds just by touching them. She’s quite useful to have around, even if she is incredibly patronising.

That evening, the rebels celebrate their successful re-capture of Castle Bright Moon, and reinstall Angela as Queen. He-Man departs for Eternia, but She-Ra is aware that Etheria is still in danger from the Horde, so she determines to stay. She leaps onto Swift Wind, and flies off dramatically. He-Man watches her go, and thinks, “Christ, what a poser.”

Bright Moon 4
She-Ra: “Look at me! EVERYBODY. LOOK AT ME.”


In today’s adventure…

Again, we aren’t blessed with any pearls of wisdom, so I’ll substitute my own. It’s a piece of advice aimed at She-Ra’s voice actor: if you go around talking really slowly and deliberately, as if you think children are moronically stupid, then they will hate you. And so will I.


Excuse given for Adam and Adora’s disappearances

Adam doesn’t bother with an excuse. On the other hand, He-Man gives She-Ra a lesson in being super-evasive; when Teela asks where Adora is, She-Ra stumbles for an answer. He-Man leaps in with, “Oh, she’s safe,” a statement that She-Ra repeats like an idiot. Bizarrely, Teela accepts this as gospel truth, despite the fact that she’s got absolutely no idea who She-Ra is, and He-Man couldn’t possibly know where Adora is at this stage. Teela is a complete moron.

Bright Moon 6
He-Man: “Now, this is really important, She-Ra. Don’t tell Teela about your secret identity. Just don’t. No reason why not, obviously. But don’t.”


Character checklist

I might as well copy out the entire character list from He-Man.org for this one. Let’s see: there’s Adora, She-Ra, Prince Adam, Cringer, He-Man, Battle-Cat, Spirit, Swift Wind, Teela, Man-at-Arms, the Sorceress, King Randor, Queen Marlena, Glimmer, Bow, Kowl, Queen Angella, Madame Razz, Broom, Hordak, Shadow Weaver, Skeletor, Beast-Man, Tri-Klops, Trapjaw, Kobra Khan, Webstor, some Horde Troopers, some Palace Guards, some random rebels, and the bear and the giant rats. No Orko though, much to my relief.



It’s a pretty vicious script this week. Webstor kicks things off by calling the Eternian Palace Guards “suckers”, and Skeletor follows this up by calling Webstor and Kobra Khan “clods”, “nincompoops” and “beebrains”. The first of these seems particularly unfair, since it comes at a moment they’ve actually done something right. Skeletor also finds time for an old favourite, referring to Beast-Man as “furface”. It’s nice to see that some things never change.

Bright Moon 7
Palace Guard: “I am contractually obliged to order you to stop, even though I know I’m completely useless.”

Adora’s insult for Beast-Man is less effective: “fangs”. While I admit he does have fangs, it’s hardly insulting. She’s going to have to work harder at this, and indeed in her She-Ra guise she manages to summon up the more apposite “bonebrain” for Skeletor. Other characters similarly have harsh words for Skeletor, including “villain” from Man-at-Arms and “traitor” from Hordak.

Hordak opts for the tired old “fool” when insulting Queen Angela, and He-Man achieves the surprising “jarhead” for Hordak. The award for oddest insult, though, has to go to Skeletor, who spends some time trying to get through to King Randor on the wireless radio, seemingly only in order to call him a “royal boob”.

Bright Moon 8


Oh No, Bow!

Towards the end of the episode, Bow rescues Madame Razz and a weird green thing from a Horde Trooper. This in itself is a sufficiently stupid action to warrant an inclusion in this category, but after he does so, he stands on a very tall pillar and leaps off. We never see him again in the episode after that. I know that he landed safely, as all Filmation characters who leap from tall objects do, but I prefer to imagine that he landed in a mangled heap and had to be carted off to A & E.


Does it have the Power?

Because I’m feeling generous today, and also because Hordak didn’t make any snorting noises, then I’ll say that yes it does. It’s really nice to see a good send-off for Skeletor and co., something which you’ll recall we were largely robbed of in the He-Man series. The bit with the chef disguises was a suitable reminder of all the demented schemes Skeletor has come up with over the years, and I loved the wonderfully in-character moment when Skeletor betrayed Hordak.

Bright Moon 5
Skeletor: “Am I really being retired in favour of that idiot Hordak?”

Taken as a whole, these five episodes have been an effective introduction to She-Ra, especially the character of its eponymous heroine. We’ve seen her go from evil Horde member to hero of the Rebellion, which is quite a character arc. She is voiced by an incredibly irritating woman though, so I hope some improvements are made there.

So we understand the series set-up and its villains quite well. Hordak and Shadow Weaver get a showing today, though neither distinguishes themselves particularly. At least they aren’t annoying. We have also had a short introduction to the series heroes, but I feel there’s room to grow here. For a film essentially acting as a series pilot, what we’ve seen has focussed far more on the heroic characters we already know, rather than the new ones we’ll be spending time with for the next 88 episodes.

Bright Moon 9
Glimmer: “Do you think we’ll get any development in this series?”

But perhaps I’m crazy for wanting to spend more time with Bow, Glimmer and Madame Razz. I expect this time next week I’ll be pining to see Man-at-Arms and Teela again.

31 thoughts on “Episode 05 – Battle for Bright Moon

  1. There is one line you didn’t say Owen and it’s from skeletor and it has to go down as one of his best, when she ra beats up all of skeletors henchmen in snakemountain, teela says something like “I just don’t understand” to which skeletor replies with “neither do I a female he man thus is the worst day of my life”!! It is so funny to hear and the timing was perfect reminder just how many great lines skeletor was given, and agree overall this was fairly entertaining finishing the he man series very nicely and at the same tine merging it into the hew she ra series, it’s not in my opinion one of the very top episodes but it’s still an entertaining and enjoyable watch Larry di tillio did a pretty good job overall with this one nicely concluding the secret of the sword story..


    1. Good point, John, that is a good line – and more generally, yes, this whole thing could easily be considered a wrap-up of the He-Man series. A better finisher than The Cold Zone anyway!


  2. Horde’s main deficiencies during defense of Castle Bright Moon:

    * Position was NOT entrenched for any meaningless depth & killing ground was NOT cleared from obstacle.

    * Lack of indirect fire support. Common problem with all this futuristic beam gun-welding evil armies – they have really nothing that could hit the enemy over the hill (even their missiles are usually flying straight-line) . If Great Rebellion would manage to smuggle a vintage Canon de 75 mle 1897 from Earth, I predict the total defeat of Horde in a few weeks.

    * Really poor drone control. Seems that drones basically acted on their own, without any actual coordination.

    * Tank attacks were attempted without infantry support – basically the classic mistake that nobody should ever made, but which is repeated again and again. Also, tankers clearly should be reeducated – they drive in columns with zero intervals.

    * No anti-infiltration measures were implemented. I admit, that it was pretty hard to anticipate mouse infiltration, but obvious appearance of green-dressed humanoids, armed with crossbows, weren’t detected before they actually hit the sentry guns.

    * Vital wiring was NOT duplicated & troops obviously have no training in quickly making repairs.

    * Despite having excellent command & control system, Hordak never seen actually coordination anything beyond the mere basics.

    * Horde Troopers (human ones) helmets obviously lack pressurization. A big mistake, because helmet made impossible for user to put on gas mask.

    In short, very, very bad. If it’s Hordak average level of competence, it’s no wonder that he was send to backward, low-tech – low-value world, where general population is more or less obedient and only a small group of poorly-armed rebels are messing things. At least on THAT position he could hardly manage to inflict significant damage to Horde’s cause.

    (Hint: don’t underestimate him – he WOULD manage)


    1. Great analysis! You’re right: Hordak doesn’t really seem to have this command thing down. I suppose you could argue that he’s got lazy and complacent, as until She-Ra’s arrival, I’m not sure how effective the Rebellion has been?


      1. Thank you)

        ” I’m not sure how effective the Rebellion has been?”

        Well, considering that Kowl described them as “very small Great Rebellion”, and taking into account less than stellar performance during village raid – probably not very effective.


  3. P.S. So far, no new Madame Razz spells in this episode. She rather reasonably decided not to meddle on the battlefield (since her spells, especially under stressful conditions, aren’t the most reliable weapons invented yet), but stay in reserve in close proximity, in case things went REALLY bad & all Rebellion resources would be required.

    So, her old count still stand.

    A) Flawless spells – 1 (one)

    B) Spells, that worked – 2 (two)

    C) Failed spells – 1 (one)


  4. P.P.S.

    “Bow rescues Madame Razz and a weird green thing from a Horde Trooper. ”

    Sorry, but Madame Razz weren’t in that scheme. Only three twiggets – I believe, Spragg, Sprint and Sprocker – were here.

    “This in itself is a sufficiently stupid action ”

    Considering that twiggets actually prevented the fast repair of sentry guns – which were effective enough to knock She-Ra out of action – hardly.


    1. I re-watched the scene in question and you’re quite right: Madame Razz wasn’t there. Don’t know how I managed to get that so badly wrong!


  5. If that episode were an He-man episode, I would say that “Battle for Brightmoon” is an average He-man episode.

    For me, this episode was somewhat entairtaining. I mean: The final battle in Brightmoon between the Horde and the rebellion was somewhat good. As usual, I especially liked He-man punching tanks. However I didn’t like nor disliked the fight Shera vs Skeletor and his minions. In my own opinion, Skeletor and his minions were beaten too easily. Also, I did like Skeletor and his minions disguising as cooks, I think they were funny. Also, Skeletor’s usual insults were somewhat funny.

    Also, there was little character development and characterization in this episode.
    I liked the interactions between queen Marlena and Adora.
    Also, I liked Adora thanking The Sorceress for what she did for her. I think that sort of the Sorceress was Adora’s mentor.
    Also, I liked the way that He-man said goodbye to Shera in the end, I personaly think that he was nice to her.
    Also, I was interested to see Glimmer acting seriously as the leader of the rebellion with a map of the battlefield before He-man and Shera returned to help the rebellion in the battle for Brightmoon.

    However, I have issues about this episode too.
    Firstly, I would have liked to see more of the final battle. I personally think that it was a bit too short.
    Secondly, I think that He-man shouldn’t have participated in the final battle. Also, I would have liked to see Glimmer, Bow and Shera fighting and interacting together during the battle for Brightmoon, it would have been a good occasion for character development. I indeed think it is a pity that Shera/Adora never fought alongside Bow or Glimmer during episode 1,2,3, 4 and 5. On the contrary, He-man had already fought alongside Teela and Man-at-arms in the episode “Diamond ray of disappearance”. Thus, to me, the ” Sword of Shera” ends with a serious problem of character development.
    Thirdly, it is a very minor problem, but Teela asked He-man where princess Adora was in Snake mountain. But He-man didn’t tell her the truth. Yet, this is information that is important for Teela’s job in the royal guard. Thus, I don’t get why He-man has to lie to her about it.


  6. @Owenmorton
    “Teela demands to know who the hell this bimbo is, and He-Man introduces her as his “friend, She-Ra.” You can see cold fury in Teela’s eyes as she thinks she’s been jilted.”

    I don’t think so. I don’t see Teela thinking she’s been jilted. I mean: Teela and Man-at-arms were going to Snake mountain because they were worried about princess Adora. Teela asked who Shera was. She stared normally at He-man when he answered to her question. She also asked where princess Adora was. Thus how do you think that she thinks that she’s been jilted? I don’t see it.

    More precisely, here is Teela, Man-at-arms, Shera, He-man and Skeletor’ exact conversation at Snake mountain:
    Teela:”He-man, look out!” when she sees all Skeletor’s minions and Skeletor come flying out of the Snake mountain control room.
    Teela: “What happened to them?”
    He-man: “I’ve got a pretty good idea.”
    Shera: “Hello, He-man, sorry, you missed all the fun!”
    Teela: “Who in the world is that?”, while looking at Shera.
    He-man: “Teela, Man-at-arms, this is my friend Shera.” Now, Teela stares on He-man.
    Shera: “Nice to meet you.”
    Teela, while looking at Shera: “Where is princess Adora?”
    He-man:”She’s safe!”.
    Teela: “Well, then, what are we doing here?”
    He-man: “Nothing much, so what say we all leave?”
    Shera:”Fine with me.”
    Teela: “I don’t believe it!”
    Skeletor: “Neither do I, a female He-man, this is the worst day of my life!”
    Then Teela and Man-at-arms laugh.

    Also, you said:

    “Adam doesn’t bother with an excuse. On the other hand, He-Man gives She-Ra a lesson in being super-evasive; when Teela asks where Adora is, She-Ra stumbles for an answer. He-Man leaps in with, “Oh, she’s safe,” a statement that She-Ra repeats like an idiot. Bizarrely, Teela accepts this as gospel truth, despite the fact that she’s got absolutely no idea who She-Ra is, and He-Man couldn’t possibly know where Adora is at this stage. Teela is a complete moron.”

    How do you see that Teela accept this as gospel truth?
    Did you read Teela’s last sentence of the conversation above?
    She says that she didn’t believe it (Apparently what He-man and Shera told her about Adora.). Thus, it seems to me that she doesn’t accept what He-man and Shera told her about princess Adora as truth.


    1. Re the cold fury, that was a joke…. though I wouldn’t be too surprised if she thought she was jilted – there’s always been a will-they-won’t-they to Teela and He-Man, and I could well believe Teela might be concerned at the arrival of She-Ra.

      Re the excuse thing …. I’m not sure what Teela means with the “I don’t believe it” comment, but I don’t think she means that she doesn’t believe He-Man when he says Adora is safe.

      This is one of those scenes where I’d really like to know exactly what the writer meant!!


      1. I have to say I strongly agree with you Owen re teelas reaction to she ra in snake mountain I will just keep this brief and apologies if it offends anyone else who doesn’t agree remember this is just my opinion yes I agree with you Owen Morton and my reasons being that fans who know the character teela well will know she does get jealous there’s many episodes she’s had jealousy issues the cat and the spider for example when Katrina put her arm round he man when she next speaks you can see the look on her face.. the animators hadn’t done this accidentally!! Another example episode song of celice when celice took Adams hand creatures of the tar swamp was another edwina walking off with adam so I personally would agree that teela definetly has a jealous streak! I agree tho that although I don’t think he man can tell teela adora and she ra are both his sister and the same person (cos then he mite as well tell her he is adam) I agree he man could tell teela that “she-ra” is his sister! When teela says she just doesn’t understand again I agree with you Owen, i don’t think it has anything to do with he man saying she’s “safe” as he’s says this every time to her with adam ie when he turns into he man and Adam disappears so I don’t think it’s that, I agree with you both it wasn’t made clear by Larry di tillio personally my guess is when teela is saying “I don’t believe it” shes amazed to see another just as strong as he man ie she-ra… I feel this was confirmed in the very next quote when skeletor says “neither do I a female he man, this is the worst day of my life”!! Probably up there with one of skeletors funniest quotes of the series reminded me of that hilarious exchange with he man in the classic to save skeletor he man asking skeletor to follow him to castle grayskull and skeletor letting he man know with “I know the way he man I’ve been there before”!! Slightly hoping off topic I know but skeletor was given many many great lines but I think these two stand out as arguably the funniest no one voiced skeletor better than the original filmation skeletor voiced by Alan Oppenheimer for me he was by far the most talented male voice actor complementing Linda Gary in my opinion the most talented female voice actor there were many great voice actors john eirwin (he man) melendy britt (she ra) even Lou scheimer himself (doing orko, lighthope and many others) but for me Alan Oppenheimer and Linda were the two most talented when you think the same person can voice somebody like cringer then do skeletor and Linda gary being the voice for someone sounding really scary like shadow weaver then a character do soft sounding and gentle like the sorceress it is a testament to these two voice actors at just how amazingly good they were!!!


      2. Thanks for all those examples, John – I was pretty sure there was evidence for the ‘Teela is jealous’ thesis but I couldn’t think of any of them off the top of my head!

        Also, yes – 100% that line in To Save Skeletor is a contender for best line of the entire series. Magnificently funny, and perfectly voice acted.


      3. @Owenmorton
        OK, I didn’t understand the joke.

        ” I wouldn’t be too surprised if she thought she was jilted – there’s always been a will-they-won’t-they to Teela and He-Man, and I could well believe Teela might be concerned at the arrival of She-Ra..”

        Yeah, after all, it is a question of personal interpretation. But, Teela staring at He-man is not enough for me to think that she thought she was jilted. Also, if you want an example of Teela “thinking she was jilted”, you should watch ” Song of Celice”, where she seemed upset about Celice walking with Adam.

        “I’m not sure what Teela means with the “I don’t believe it” comment, but I don’t think she means that she doesn’t believe He-Man when he says Adora is safe.”
        I also am not sure what she meant. It is also a question of personal interpretation. It seemed to me that Teela really wanted to free Princess Adora, but when she went to Snake mountain, Adora was not there. On the contrary, this person Shera was there and He-man didn’t want to tell her who that person really was. Thus, “I don’t believe it.” could mean that she didn’t really believe He-man (about or not about Adora, I don’t know).

        Anyway, I personally think that Larry de Tillio probably made this scene deliberately confused.


    2. Jean Paul you’ve got more than point about teela tho and I completely agree she is a complete an utter moron!! I don’t think she would suspect prince Adam is he-man even if he transformed right infront of her.. lol


      1. Yeah, I agree that Teela is dumb to think that Adam is not He-man. But it is simply how her character was written.

        Also, to be honnest,
        the same could be said about Skeletor accepting what Shera told him (i.e. that Shera freed princess Adora.) and not thinking that Shera and Adora could be the same person. Also, Skeletor never thought that He-man could have a double identity.


  7. I like the character teela personally but there’s no doubt she is a fool the fact she just accepts it every time he man just says to her “adam is safe” but I guess in fairness if she wasn’t such an idiot then we wouldn’t have a series! Thanks for reply Owen, and you yourself will know this from the season one episode quest for the sword regards to none of the cast knowing adam is he-man what really makes me giggle is out of all the entire cast of characters in the entire history of filmation the nearest character to sussing the whole thing out was ram man that is hilarious in itself! It does make me suggest I wonder sometimes if ram man isn’t as dumb as he makes out lol in the excellent season two episode not so blind ram man opens up about this saying that people think I’m stupid because I’m slow, while I personally don’t agree ie I think he is alittle dumb as well as slow (watch house of shokoti part two when he keeps getting her name wrong) this was definetly a nice character moment for him.. i think it would of been a hilarious joke if ram man knew adam was he-man an just never said anything cos he just assumed everyone knew I can hear it now “duhh I thought everyone knew adam was he-man”!! Takecare..


  8. @Owenmorton
    I agree that Teela is generally attracted by He-man, but it is not always the case.
    In the episode “Wizard of stone mountain”, she refused He-man’s loving advances and prefered to go with … Ram-man.


  9. @JohnThompson

    “agree tho that although I don’t think he man can tell teela adora and she ra are both his sister and the same person (cos then he mite as well tell her he is adam)”

    Well Adam not telling Teela who He-man really is had sometimes bad consequences: For example in”Mistaken Identity”, A flying beast was threatening people. Adam lost precious time to run away from Teela to transform. The beast could have killed people during this delay…
    Also in “The Games”, Adam couldn’t run away because she thought that Adam was a coward (which was understandable.). Thus he couldn’t transform and couldn’t become Eternia’s champion. Skeletor indeed could have won the games because of that.

    Also, He-man and Teela has fought together many times and she helped him many times (She saved He-man 3 times.).
    Also, Teela does like both Adam and He-man.

    Thus, my personal opinion is that Adam should tell the truth to Teela.


  10. @John Thompson

    Last thing:
    For the same reasons, I personally think that Adora should tell to Sea Hawk who Shera really is.


  11. It’s all very interesting isn’t it but same could be said for adora there’s plenty of times she gets captured and it would be easier to just change into she ra but to protect her identity she has to let herself get captured as if she transforms into she ra everyone will see it, it’s annoying I know and it’s a fair point you make in these moments it’s worse having there identities ie more of a hindrance than a help!! As with all fantasy cartoons if they all knew it would take away some of the mystery imo.. great point you make Jean Paul about Larry di tillio and I agree entirely he may well of deliberately left it confusing for the viewers not only to pitch in with there own interpretations but maybe to create a bit of tension Larry was the best writer for me at doing this if you watch the he man classic the dragons gift teela and the sorceress are flat out having an argument there’s no doubt Larry di tillio wanted to create a bit of tension between the two characters, so yeah good point I think he probably just left it open alittle unresolved if you like on purpose to keep everyone guessing!!


  12. @Johnthompson

    Very last thing:
    “there’s many episodes she’s had jealousy issues the cat and the spider for example when Katrina put her arm round he man when she next speaks you can see the look on her face.. the animators hadn’t done this accidentally!! Another example episode song of celice when celice took Adams hand creatures of the tar swamp was another edwina walking off with adam so I personally would agree that teela definetly has a jealous streak!”

    Well I have just watched those two scenes another time. Concerning “the cat and the spider”, I agree that she stared a little bit angrily at Katrina while saying about the Remarken: ” You people stopped it once, how did you do it?”
    So, yeah I agree with you that probably was jealous of Katrina, no problem.”
    Concerning “song of Celice”, I agree Teela was jealous of Adam walking with Celice (In fact she was even upset to Celice). Also, Teela wasn’t jealous of He-man being with Celice, because for Teela, Adam and He-man are not the same person. It seems to me that it hints that she loves Adam too.

    However, again, for me concerning ” Battle for Brightmoon”, the situation seemed to me somewhat different than in “the cat and the spider” and in “Song if Celice”. I mean: Shera was bragging that she had just beaten Skeletor and his minions. Then Teela’s question (“Who in the world is that?”) could have meant that she only wanted professional informations about this Shera woman (And not necesseraly that Teela was jealous of Shera being He-man’s girlfriend.). After all, Teela is also a very professionnal person. But it’s just my personnal opinion.

    Also, you said:
    “I like the character teela personally but there’s no doubt she is a fool” I don’t get it.What did you mean?: Did you mean that Teela was a fool not to realize that He-man are not the same person (If it what you meant, I agree about it.)? Or did you mean that Teela is always a fool (If it what you meant, then I disagree about it. Teela is generally a smart person. The question she asked to Katrina about the Remarken is a good example of her acting smart.)?


    1. Exactly the same as what you said, yep I meant by saying she’s a fool just the not knowing adam is he man that was me responding to when you said teela is a complete moron and I agree with you but yes same as yourself just on her not knowing the identity and always taking he mans word for it when he says Adams “safe” hope that explains it! Just this tho so I’m not misunderstood yes I don’t think she’s a fool at all infact teela is as you say I think I very intelligent and responsible person..


      1. I think there’s been a misunderstanding here…. I was the one who said Teela was a moron. Jean-Paul was quoting me.

        So basically, both of you think she’s not a moron, and I think she is – when it comes to working out He-Man and Adam are the same, at least.


      2. @Owenmorton

        I understood your personal opinion.

        My personal opinion is that Teela is smart except when it comes to working out He-Man and Adam are the same. I think that Teela “not working out He-Man and Adam are the same” is obviously used by the writers as a plot device to entertain the story. If indeed this plot device didn’t exist, the story would have been less entertaining.


  13. @JohnThompson.
    When I said:”Did you mean that Teela was a fool not to realize that He-man are not the same person ”
    I meant: Did you mean that Teela was a fool not to realize that He-man and Adam are the same person?


  14. @John Thompson

    Very last things:
    I thought about what you said.
    I partly changed my mind.
    I think now that Teela both was jaleous of Shera being He-man’s possible girlfriend and wanted professional informations about this Shera woman. So, yes, it was partly because Teela was jealous and partly because Teela didn’t understand why Shera had superpowers and what she was doing at Snake mountain. This is my definitive personal opinion. Did you understand my personal opinion?

    Also, I agree that Teela’s sentence “Who in the world is that?” had a bit of jealousy in it.

    Also, I still insist that Teela’s stare at He-man doesn’t prove at all that she thinks she’s been jilted. I mean: It is only frequently reused animation. This same animation was reused for example in “The energy beast” when Teela and Adam went out of the rotor rocket (At 14:00) and asked “Where is He-man?” and Adam answered “I’m sure he’s nearby.”: Teela indeed stared at Adam in “The energy beast” exactly in the same way that she stared at He-man in “Battle for Brightmoon”. But in “The energy beast”, Teela wasn’t jealous at all of another girl, so, for me Teela’s stare at He-man in “Battle for Bright moon ” proves nothing.

    Also, I still personally think that in” Battle for Brightmoon”, the context was somewhat different than in “the cat and the spider” and in “Song of Celice”.
    It is because:
    (1) She worried about Adora and she found another person: Shera.
    (2) Shera’s behaviour wasn’t correct to Teela which probably pissed her off. I mean:
    Teela saw all Skeletor’s minions and Skeletor come flying out of the Snake mountain control room. Then Shera talked only to He-man (She told him “Hello, He-man”) and bragged a bit about what she did. Thus, Adora didn’t introduce herself to Teela and Man-at-arms, which is impolite. She almost ignored them. For me, Adora’s impoliteness and bragging might have partly triggered Teela’s reaction.
    Now if you compare with Katrina and Celice, both Katrina and Celice didn’t brag and were polite. Thus, for me, in “the cat and the spider” and in “Song if Celice”, Teela’s reaction was not triggered by any uncorrect behaviour.

    Also, I thought about it, in “the cat and the spider”, Teela stared a little bit angrily at Katrina while talking to her about the Remarken. It seems to me that Teela was probably jealous of Katrina but she also might have been upset of the Remarken destroying everything. Teela indeed is always upset when her ennemies are mean.

    Also, “if you watch the he man classic the dragons gift teela and the sorceress are flat out having an argument there’s no doubt Larry di tillio wanted to create a bit of tension between the two characters”. Well, Teela was only afraid of Man-at-arms dying and that the Sorceress couldn’t directly help her. Also, the Sorceress didn’t want to have an argument with Teela. Thus they understood each other and the argument ended. But, at the beginning of this episode, it seems to me that Teela really wanted to kill Skeletor for turning Man-at-arms into stone…

    OK, I have finished to explain about this topic (i.e. Teela’ being jaleous or not.).


  15. Correction:
    When I said: “OK, I have finished to explain about this topic (i.e. Teela’ being jaleous or not.).”,
    I meant: OK, I have finished to explain my personal opinion about this topic (i.e. Teela being jaleous or not in”Battle for Bright moon.”).


  16. Thanks Owen yeah I wasn’t sure who was being quoted there! I was trying to take in many of these comments and reply to what I’m coming out of the bright moon blog now lol an wait for the laughing dragon!!


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